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Roblox Adopt Me Trading Values
Newest Updates (November 2024)

ALERT: Most updates will now be featured in the new News section of the website.
✔ Updated the values of many "exotic" and other pets. Thanks to user RockyLilPichi for the suggestions!
✔ Added the Hippogriff and video for it. Will add the new pet wear soon.
✔ Updated the values of most of the highest tier foods. Not surprisingly the rarest high-tier foods have all slowly increased in value.
✔ Added the Golden Jaguar since today (November 8) is the first day that players could acquire it.
✔ Added the Sugar Axolotl and Grave Owl from the Dia De Los Muertos update.
Older Updates (October 2024)

✔ Added the Halloween 2024 stickers.
✔ Added the week 4 Halloween pets.
✔ Further reduced the values of most of the Halloween pets.
✔ Added the Halloween Chick Box, Evil Chick, etc.
✔ Added the Scarebear, Dracula Parrot, and Sea Skeleton Panda.
✔ Added the new Pumpkin Friend ultra-rare pet. October 9, 2024 is/was the first day that players could actually earn this pet since it was the first day possible to have collected 150 purple pumpkins. Note the value of this pet will likely decrease over the next few days as more players earn them.
✔ Added the new Halloween 2024 week 1 pets.
Older Updates (September 2024)

✔ Added the new UGC pet Honey Badger.
✔ Added the Ocean Sticker Pack items.
✔ Added a HALLOWEEN COSTUME PHOTO CONTEST to the Games page.
✔ Added the Kraken and other Ocean Event 2024 pets.
✔ Added some additional restrictions: 1) Only more established users can rate offers. 2) Users can hide ratings if they prefer. 3) Users must wait around an hour before submitting a duplicate offer.
✔ You can now rate other players' offers. You must have an account and be logged in to do this.
Older Updates (August 2024)

✔ Added the Glormy Leo and corresponding trading video. Also added the new hummingbird pets, Singularity Pisces, Galactic Collar, and 2X Pets certificate... wow this was a busy update day with lots of very valuable new items! Keep an eye on that Diamond Hummingbird. That is going to be very rare and hard to find for quite some time. It comes from the Golden Petunia which is ONLY given to Pets Plus subscribers. They get one per month, and it has a 2.5% chance of giving a Diamond Hummingbird. If you see one in game (or get one), offer and try to trade ASAP for a profit!
✔ Added the Glormy Hound and corresponding trading video. Also added the Starhopper which we expect to take a similar value journey as the Singularity Beetle did (going down slowly over its week of release).
✔ Fixed issue with password reset emails not being received by some users.
✔ Added Singularity Beetle.
✔ Added the Box of Jokes and its items.
✔ Added the Limo since it is now tradable.
Older Updates (July 2024)

✔ Implemented some new performance improvement tweaks and additional anti-scammer measures.
✔ Added the 2024 Birthday Butterfly which we think is the best looking birthday butterfly yet!
✔ Added the Soccer Stadium house (Robux) and Soccer Car.
✔ Added a new Bald Eagle trading video to the Videos page. It also includes a free giveaway for a Bald Eagle - be sure to watch the video and follow the instructions by July 8, 2024 to enter!
✔ Added the new Robux pet Bald Eagle and Rodeo Bull.
✔ Added the Summer State Fair toys, pet wear, and strollers.
Older Updates (June 2024)

✔ Added the new Balloon Unicorn (1000 Robux) and Corn Doggo (125,000 tickets). The Balloon Unicorn is getting great offers on release day (neon legendary+) whereas the Corn Doggo does not seem like it will end up being a super valuable pet.
✔ Added all the new Pony pets and Betta fish pets. We initially had the value of the ponies pretty conservative, but we now see that the values will be much higher than expected. We have already needed to bump up the value of the Majestic & Pretty Pony a couple times as players discover how hard they are to get and end up offering a lot more for them. It becomes very hard to get them since the higher levels of the Pony Pass take a lot of XP to achieve. It can take several stable games in order to move up even one level once you get into the higher levels of the pony pass. There is also no way to just afk and collect pony pass points. This is making it very difficult and time-consuming to get these pony pets. This is great for the value of these new pony pets since players won't be able to easily get the highest tier ones.
✔ Added the new Summer State Fair 2024 pets, including the new 490 Robux Mini Pig.
✔ Since houses can now be traded in Adopt Me, we have put together our official house value list and added all the houses to our website. It's very difficult to see what players are offering for houses since it is all brand new, and since house trades can only happen when a player has his/her house for sale. However, we collected as much information as we could and think these are a good starting point for values. Note some houses will no longer be for sale after this next week of updates in Adopt Me, so values will probably rise for those eventually.
Older Updates (May 2024)

✔ Added the new Garden Egg and all of its pets (along with the Golden Tortoise Beetle).
✔ Added all the new gifts and Accessory Chest items.
✔ Added a page that contains a listing of Rich Adopt Me Servers. We hope this is useful for players who have high tier pets.
Older Updates (April 2024)

✔ Added the Fossil Isle 2024 pets. This is a fun event so be sure to check it out!
✔ The Capuchin Fairground is here! Added all the pets & boxes. We will add the other items as soon as possible. We noticed very high demand for the Princess Capuchin. We also noticed it has been hard to find the Pirate Ghost Capuchins (which are also the toughest to get since they require 3 legendary ingredients). Good luck opening boxes! Have fun!
Older Updates (March 2024)

✔ Sticker Update! Standard sticker packs cost 250 bucks while Premium sticker packs cost 50 Robux. We have added all the stickers to the site and also made a video for trading the Premium Sticker Pack on our Videos page.
✔ Lowered values for many of the newer pets; added the week 2 Easter 2024 items, including the Trade Stand which has high demand (seems like literally every player wants one). Keep in mind players only need 1 of these though, so we expect demand to be high during the first couple weeks of release but then die down since nobody will need a second one (unless Adopt Me lets us use multiple in the future). We also have a new trading video for the Trade Stand and the Candy Cane Snail on the Videos page.
✔ Added Easter 2024 pets, including Candyfloss Chick!
✔ NEW FEATURE! You can now filter recent offers. Just click one (or both) of the filter icons and you can filter offers to help find what you are looking for more easily!
✔ Added a new Owl trading video to the Videos page.
✔ Added the new hamsters & Golden Corn to the site. Also added a trading video for most of these new items to the Videos page.
✔ Huge value updates for the highest tier pets! The distance between the top tier pets and mid/lower tier pets continues to grow. This has been a constant over the past few years in Adopt Me. It is going to continue to get harder and harder to get top tier out of game pets.
✔ Added the Beach update pets and a new Nautilus trading video to the Videos page.
✔ Added a new Crow trading video to the Videos page.
Older Updates (February 2024)

✔ Added the Ornate Horned Frog (1500 Bucks).
✔ Lowered values of some of the newest pets and other items due to decreased offers being made for them.
✔ Updated the values of several low-tier legendaries (including their neon & mega versions).
✔ Added a new Parrot trading video to the Videos page.
✔ Reduced the value of some of the newest pets & other items whose values have dropped.
✔ Added the new Midnight Dragon (1000 Robux) and other Lunar New Year pets.
✔ Added the new Groundhog pet and also a video for it to the Videos page.
Older Updates (January 2024)

✔ Added the Desert Egg and its 12 new pets. Note these values will likely decrease slowly over the next couple weeks... though the Legendary values may go either way depending on how popular the pets remain.
✔ Added the three new vehicles from the Mega Car Pack (800 Robux).
✔ Added a new Blazing Lion trading video to the Videos page.
✔ Added a new Unicorn trading video to the Videos page.
✔ Added the new Aussie Zone Update pets, including the Kookaburra (150 Robux) and the new UGC Rewards pet: the Jellyfish. We also have a video for How to Get the Jellyfish & What Is It Worth on the Videos page.
✔ Added the Toy Delivery Truck since it can now be traded. Also added a new Kangaroo video to the Videos page.
Older Updates (December 2023)

✔ Added the Gingerbread Mouse, Christmas Future Egg, Eggnog Dog, and Candy Camper. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
✔ Added the Legendary Glacier Kitsune (600 Robux) and Harp Seal. Added trading video for the Glacier Kitsune to the Videos page.

We also added a new sorting feature to our Create Your Own Value Lists system where you can now view the Most Popular Value Lists Updated Within the Past 30 Days.
✔ Added the Christmas Pudding Pup Bait and Christmas Pudding Pup. You must open 20 Advent Calendar doors to receive the Christmas Pudding Pup Bait.
✔ Added a Frost Fury trading video to the Videos page.
✔ Added the new Hare Box, Candy Hare, and other new items
✔ Added the new Peppermint Penguin (Robux) and Fleur De Ice (Gingerbread). Also added a new trading video for those 2 new pets to the Videos page.
✔ Added the first Advent Calendar item (Winter Lantern) and will continue to add the new items as they come out each day. Remember to check the Advent calendar every day for a new free item or bucks/Gingerbread/etc.
Older Updates (November 2023)

✔ Added the new Chocolate Chip Bat Dragon and other new Winter 2023 pets. Also added a Chocolate Chip Bat Dragon trading video to the Videos page.
✔ Added the new Mecha Meow pet. Also added a Mecha Meow trading video to the Videos page.
✔ Added the latest Farm Theme pets: Longhorn Cow, Rooster, and Alpaca (150 Robux). The Alpaca is surprisingly low offers even within the first hour of release, so that isn't a good sign for its value! Also added Alpaca trading video to the Videos page.
✔ Added all the new Accessory Chest items and new items from the Gifts display.
✔ HUGE value update!
✔ Added the week Caterpillar and 2 other new Farm Theme pets. Also added a video for the Caterpillar on the Videos page. It includes a giveaway, so check it out if you want a Caterpillar for free (by November 6, 2023)!
Older Updates (October 2023)

✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of November 1-7, 2023.
✔ Added the week 4 Halloween Pets: Slime and Werewolf (600 Robux). Also posted a new video for Trading Werewolf on the Videos page. Werewolf has pretty high demand, but we think this will take the path of the Cerberus and decline in value over time since it will remain in game after the Halloween event is over.
✔ New Feature! You can now see which pets and other items have the highest demand! Check out our new Pet Demand List. It gets updated constantly based on the number of active offers submitted by our users and is typically based upon the number of offers made within the past 2-3 weeks.
✔ Added the latest Halloween pets & other items. This includes the new Scarecrow Box.
✔ In the process of adding the new Halloween 2023 pets (including the Vampire Dragon). We also posted a new video for Trading Vampire Dragon to the Videos page. The Vampire Dragon has a ton of hype and a ton of demand, so trade it while it's hot! We think this pet will take a similar path as the Strawberry Bat Dragon where it had very high demand at first, and then it ended up still being pretty popular even after the hype died down.
✔ Added a new video for a FREE VEHICLE CODE to the Videos page. The Toy Delivery Truck can be redeemed for FREE in game and probably for only a limited time. Check out the video to see how to redeem yours now!
Older Updates (September 2023)

✔ Added a new Frost Dragon trading video to the Videos page. Frost Dragons get great offers and still get a lot of attention.
✔ Added the Eel and Pelican pets.
✔ New filtering feature! When you look at offers made one one of your listings, you can now choose to Exclude Offers That Ask for Adds. We hope you find this new filter helpful.
✔ Lowered the values of some of the newest pets as they are now not receiving quite as impressive offers.
✔ Added the new Kiwi pet, the Red Scarf pet wear, and all of the toys and pet wear from the Campfire Cookie.
✔ Sorry for the slowness of the site recently during peak times. We just implemented some additional tweaks which should help. We will keep an eye on it and keep tuning things up as needed. Thank you for your patience.
✔ Added the Magma Moose, Magma Snail, Toasy Red Penguin, and Blazing Lion (which only has a 0.01% chance of being caught!). If you get one of these pets in your lure, we recommend trading them soon because the values will only go down over time in the long term. They are all going to be staying in game until further notice.
✔ Added a new video for How to Use Lures & Bait to the Videos page. Also added the Flaming Zebra Bait, Ash Zebra Bait, Flaming Zebra, and Ash Zebra to the site. We went on several servers (rich & non-rich) to get offers for the new Zebras, but the demand seemed to be very low across the board. These are brand new pets, but it was challenging to get any real offers for them. Based on the offers we did get, the Flaming Zebra (Rare) seemed to be worth about a Ride potion (as multiple people made that offer for them). Ash Zebra was a little less than half of that value based on what we saw. This makes sense since Ash Zebra is Common and took less effort to get its bait than the Flaming Zebra Bait. However, only one could be awarded per account. We'll see how values change over the next couple days.
✔ Added the 2 toys, 1 pet wear, and 1 food (Molten Melon) you can get from the Campfire Cookie as part of the cool new Fire Dimension event.
✔ Added the Chipmunk & Raccoon pets as well as the Super Jetpack vehicle (800 Robux). We also adjusted the values of some pets that have been released over the past several months. Additionally, check out our latest video for trading the Super Jetpack vehicle on our Videos page.
✔ Byebye Apples! You can now offer on more than one item at a time. For example, if you want to offer 1 unicorn for 2 dragons, you can now do so! Just go to make an offer like usual and click the new "Offer on More" button. Good luck trading!
Older Updates (August 2023)

✔ Added the new Urban Egg and all its pets. As expected, the new legendary Gargoyle and Billy Goat are trading for very high offers right now. We expect the value to go down sometime within 72 hours of being released, so if you happen to hatch one soon, this is the best time to trade.
✔ Added a new Cow trading video to the Videos page. Cows contnue to be very popular pets so it is pretty easy to get good offers on them.
✔ Added the latest Jungle Update 2023 pets and Birthday Butterfly 2023. We also published a trading video for Ring-tailed Lemur to the Videos page.
✔ Added a new Turtle trading video to the Videos page. This is our second trading video for this pet. We wanted to do a fresh video to explore its current value since it is still such a popular pet.
✔ Added the new Jungle Update 2023 pets to the site and also published a trading video for Giant Anteater to the Videos page.
✔ Added the Shadow Dragon Skateboard. This item was recently quietly added to the Safety Hub and could be redeemed with a special code. It is now out of game and has been made tradable. Also lowered the values of many high value pets (including neon & mega versions) that were released over the past few months.
Older Updates (July 2023)

✔ Added a new Strawberry Shortcake Bat Dragon trading video to the Videos page. This is our second trading video for this pet. We wanted to do a fresh video to explore its current value since it is still such a popular pet.
✔ Added the new dolls. They cost 900 bucks in game. There is a bit of hype around them on release day, but we don't think values will get high or stay high since there are only 3 of them and you cannot make them Neon/Mega. They should be fun to role play with though! Also adjusted display of main W/F/L page for mobile devices.
✔ Added the new Giant Cheetah Mount vehicle (900 Robux - Legendary). A new video featuring offers and trades of the Giant Cheetah Mount is now available on the Videos page.
✔ Added the 3 new Safari update pets (Ostrich, Warthog, and Lion Cub (Robux)). Also added the new UGC Reward pet African Wild Dog. We are surprised at the low interest in the Lion Cub since Robux pets usually are pretty popular on the day of release. A new video featuring Lion Cub offers and trades is now available on the Videos page.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of July 5-11, 2023.
✔ Added the new Summer Fest 2023 (week 4) pets: Arctic Tern & Happy Clam. Also adjusted values for many of the other summer festival pets.
Older Updates (June 2023)

✔ Added the new Summer Fest 2023 (week 3) pets: Hermit Crab Box & all its crab types as long as the Leopard Shark. Good luck opening boxes!
✔ Added the new Summer Fest 2023 (week 2) pets: Lobster, Leviathan, and Tortuga de la Isla (Robux).
✔ Trading Card Simulator update! You can now make an Ultra-Mega card by combining 4 of the same Mega cards. This will give you a bonus! Please note, however, that Ultra-Mega cards can NOT be traded! Also, we have a little contest: the first player to collect any 4 Ultra-Mega cards will win a gift card code for 800 Robux! You must tell us via the Feedback form on our About page that you have collected 4 Ultra-Mega cards and include your username. Note: Ultra-Mega cards have a background that changes from black to white. Good luck!
✔ Added the new Summer Fest 2023 (week 1) pets: Flying Fish, Many Mackerel, Hot Doggo (Robux), and Shark Puppy.
✔ Added a new Danger Egg Pet Trading video to the Videos page.
✔ The Danger Egg and all its pets have been added. The hype level is pretty high, so values are pretty high as well. We expect values to very slowly go down over the next couple weeks, so if you happen to get one of the new legendaries (or make neons quickly) get some good trades in now while you can!
✔ Added new Caelum Cervi (winged deer) pet. It is a Legendary Robux pet and costs 650 Robux. The demand for this one seems pretty low even during its first hour of release.
Older Updates (May 2023)

✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of May 24-30, 2023.
✔ Added new feature where our users can now submit YouTube tradingvideos. Have you made a trading video for an item or can you make one? Send it to us and we will post it on the item page for that item! Your video will get more views, and visitors of our site will have even more information about the values - it is a win-win! Just be sure to follow the rules on the submission form.
✔ Added Cuddly Candle (Robux) & Grinmoire from the new Sky Castle refresh. Also added the 12 new wings.
✔ Adopt Me recently increased the number of trading slots from 9 to 18. We have updated our W/F/L page to match this. Users can now add up to 18 items on each side of the trading grid. This is now updated on the trading page as well.
✔ Updated the values of various items. Thank you to users who submitted feedback to help bring some value changes to our attention.
✔ New Feature! Trading Card Simulator! We all love the Adopt Me pets so much that we needed to spend even more ways to have fun with them. That is why we created the new Trading Card Simulator. Each day you can pick a new trading card. You can then list them for trade, get 4 of a kind to make a neon, get 4 neons of a kind to make a mega, trade your cards for other people's cards and more! Try to get the best collection and have the highest score of all users.
Older Updates (April 2023)

✔ Added Paint Sealer and Paint Roller Truck.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of April 18 - April 24, 2023.
✔ Added all of the 50+ new items from Gifts and Accessory Chests.
✔ Completed minor improvement to help prevent the display of consecutive duplicate offers from the same user. Also reduced the value of a few pets that are still in game.
✔ NEW FEATURE! You can now make a copy of an offer. After you make an offer, go into the My Offers screen. Then click Copy Offer, select the pet that you want to make that same offer on, and click to submit it. This new feature should help save you time so you can make more offers more easily.
✔ Updated the values of many pets that have come out within the past several months.
✔ Added the three new Royal Carriages. We are also updating the values of many of the oldest vehicles as the values have increased significantly over the past several months.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of April 7 - April 13, 2023.
✔ Added the new Spring Fest pets and items from week 3. This includes the Duckling Box and all 3 types of ducklings.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of March 29 - April 4, 2023.
✔ Added the new April Fool egg and the new April Fool's 2023 pets. Also lowered the value of a handful of pets and other items.
Older Updates (March 2023)

✔ Added new Search feature to the home page. We'll consider adding this to other pages later if it seems helpful.
✔ Added Goose and Field Mouse from Spring Fest 2023 week 2. The other new items have also been added.
✔ Lowered the values of most of the new pets (Gorillas & Spring Fest pets) as all their values have decreased since being released.
✔ Added the Border Collie, Hare, and Wood Pigeon from the new Spring Fest 2023 event. All the other week 1 items have now been added as well.
✔ Added a new video to the Videos page. The video shows the Fastest Ways to Earn Bucks in Adopt Me!
✔ Added the new Gorilla Box, Premium Gorilla Box, Ingredients, and all the Gorillas. All Gorilla Box items have now been added.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of March 9-15, 2023.
✔ Added the new Pool Party pets and items, including the Goldfish and the two new Sand Dollar pets.
✔ Added a new video containing 100 trades of pets from the Southeast Asia Egg on release day to the Videos page.
✔ Added the new Southeast Asia Egg and all 12 of its pets. We thought that the Naga Dragon was going to be in higher demand than the tree kangaroo, but so far we have been able to trade one for the other multiple times, so it looks like they are currently the same value. Players are loving the look of many of the new pets. This is a great time to start hatching eggs and making neons while values will be inflated for the first week or two of the egg's release.
Older Updates (February 2023)

✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of February 18 - February 24, 2023.
✔ Added the Frost Unicorn which has been trading for around a turtle for most of its first day. This pet will only be available for 1 week, and the demand seems like it will stay high.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of February 11 - February 17, 2023.
✔ Added the new Camping Shop Update pets and other new items.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of February 4 - February 10, 2023.
✔ Added the new Rain Weather Update pets, vehicles, and other items.
✔ Added the new Meme Update pets.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of January 27 - February 2, 2023.
Older Updates (January 2023)

✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of January 20-26, 2023.
✔ Made an improvement to the Know Your Facts game. The game will now show you the correct answer if you make a mistake. Thank you to our users for the feedback requesting this feature.
✔ Added the Toxic Barrel vehicle.
✔ Added all of the Lunar New Year 2023 pets and other items.
✔ Lowered the values of many of the pets that have been released over the past month or two - particularly the neon and mega versions of them.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of January 7-13, 2023.
✔ Added the Glacier Moth and Bloodhound from the UGC Pet Refresh update. Also fixed a glitch where offers with valuable non-pet items were not saving for the past day or two.
✔ Thank you to users who alerted us to a couple scammers trying to exploit certain features of the website. We just added an additional prevention mechanism which should stop these cheaters from trying to fool honest users of our website with their offers.
✔ Added Nessie and the Highland Cow.
Older Updates (December 2022)

✔ Added the Ice Plane and Wooly Rhino.
✔ Added the Gingerbread Reindeer. This is a free pet available only on day 25 of the Advent Calendar. Get yours now before they are gone!
✔ Added the Ice Wolf, Ram, and latest Winter 2022 items. Also lowered the value of some older Winter 2022 pets.
✔ Added the RB Battles Trophy Hat and the Husky Sled. You can get the RB Battles Trophy hat for free by touching the 3 glowing crystals around the map and then going to the very top of the Sky Castle. You can get the Husky Sled by getting 20 of the gifts from the Advent Calendar.
✔ Added the Snowball Pet, Steppe Lion, and Snowblower Toboggan. We also continue to update the Advent Calendar gifts each day. Some of these gifts are cute, and they are all only available for 1 day each, so you would expect the value to be decent. However, only a small fraction of players care much about toys and pet wear - and most of the daily rewards are toys. Regardless, it only takes a couple minutes to get them each day, so we recommend doing so. You never know when you will come across a collector willing to overpay for one of them!
✔ Added the Pony Box and three Shetland Pony versions. So far these items do not seem to be very high in demand. However, users are reporting that it has been very tough to get the Shetland Pony White and Shetland Pony Light Brown from the Pony Box. If that continues to be true, it could keep values high longer despite the lower interest.
✔ Added the rest of the Winter 2022 week 1 pets and items. We have seen the Strawberry Shortcake Bat Dragon remain very popular and high in demand throughout the day. The Ice Moth Dragon seems less popular so far, but we will keep an eye on it. Also adding each Advent Calendar item as they get released.
✔ Added the new Strawberry Shortcake Bat Dragon. In the first hour, an arctic reindeer was a fair trade for it. After a couple hours, the fair value was around an albino monkey. We think the fair value will now stay somewhere around a turtle. The demand for this pet is very high. We have also published a trading video for the Strawberry Shortcake Bat Dragon on our Videos page. We will be monitoring values of the other new Winter 2022 pets and items and adding them onto the site soon.
Older Updates (November 2022)

✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of November 23 through November 29, 2022.
✔ Added the Persian Cat and other items from the Puss in Boots update. Also, unlike many other events with free items and pets, you can actually collect as many of these Puss in Boots pet wear items and Persian Cats as you want. To collect them the fastest, go on your own private server. You can just keep digging up all the spots in any of the 5 dig zones.
✔ Updated the values of many pets. Thank you to users for your suggestions via our feedback form!
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of November 5 through November 11, 2022.
✔ Added Therapy Dog.
✔ Added the new gifts and vehicles from the November 3 update. Also lowered the value of many Halloween 2022 pets.
Older Updates (October 2022)

✔ Added the Mule, Jousting Horse, and Undead Jousting Horse (Robux).
✔ Added the Wolf Box, Lava Wolf (Robux), Zombie Wolf, and Ghost Wolf. Also published a video featuring 100 trades on these pets on our Videos page.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of October 11 through October 17, 2022.
✔ Added the week 2 Halloween pets and vehicles.
✔ Lowered the value of Chimera which has seen a steep drop in value since it debuted on Thursday. Also improved the performance of the My Listings screen and the My Listings History screen.
✔ The first 5 new Halloween 2022 pets are now available. Also added all of the first round of Halloween 2022 Pet Wear, Toys, and Vehicles.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of September 29 through October 5, 2022.
Older Updates (September 2022)

✔ Added the 40 new Pet Wear items that have been placed in the accessory chests. These include 4 legendary hats. Also added the cotton candy stand (Robux) and the food that comes from it: Cotton Candy Stick.
✔ Added the new wing chests, wings, influencer items, etc. Wings is a new category of item type. Also reduced the values of many of the newer pets from the past several updates.
✔ Reduced the value of the Baku & Maneki-Neko. Also added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of September 4, 2022 through September 10, 2022.
✔ Added the new Japan Egg and all of its pets.
✔ Added the 2 new vehicles and all new Star Rewards items.
Older Updates (August 2022)

✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of August 21 through August 27, 2022.
✔ Added the Royal Tea Party pets and items.
✔ Added the 2022 Uplift Butterfly and all items from the Adopt Me 5th Birthday event.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of August 10 through August 16, 2022.
✔ Added the new Fall Weather pets (Pheasants & Badger) and Golden Wheat. It looks like demand for these items is lower than expected. We tried trading Golden Wheat and Pheasants in several servers, but we received very few offers. The offers we did receive were not good. We will be keeping an eye on these values closely over the next couple days. We will also be adding all the rest of the new Fall Weather items shortly.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of August 3 through August 9, 2022.
✔ Made two big updates to the Pet Value List. First, the look of it now matches the look of the user-created value lists. Secondly, there is now an option to view the value list of all Pets, including Neons and Megas! Just choose the drop-down menu option of Pets with Neons and Megas.
✔ Lowered the value of the Leaf & some of the regular versions of the new butterflies.
✔ Added the 6 new Butterfly pets along with the Leaf (899 bucks) and Golden Leaf (199 Robux). These will be in game for only 2 weeks. Expect prices to change a bit over the next few days.
✔ Updated the value of many pets.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of July 26 through August 1, 2022.
Older Updates (July 2022)

✔ Added Golden Bone (Robux) and the 4 Chow-Chow Pets that come from it. VIP access now costs over 700 Robux, and the Golden Bone costs 249 Robux, so it is quite expensive to get the chance to even try for a Chow-Chow. Right now values are high since they just came out, but we do expect values to slowly go down over time (like with most regular Robux pets).
✔ Made some improvements to the display of the site - most notably on mobile devices. Also made the G (for Full-Grown) easier to read.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of July 18 through July 24, 2022.
✔ Added all the new regular egg pets and the Retired Egg. These new pets have been trading at a wide range of prices over their first few days in game. As for the 3 new Legendary pets, we have found that the Ancient Dragon and Alicorn are getting a bit higher trades than the Dragonfly. We'll have to see if that continues. Also lowered the value of the new King Penguin pets a bit.
✔ Added the new Golden/Diamond/King Penguin (via Golden Goldfish @ 225 bucks) and Irish Water Spaniel (via 5 UGC items at 59 bucks each) pets. As always, their values are very high right now since they are brand new. They will all go down in value over time.
✔ Updated the values of dozens of the Neon and Mega Neon versions of low and mid value pets. Nearly all of these neon and mega versions of pets have received an increase in value.
✔ Added a new video to the Videos page. It is called 2 Players Argue Over Pet Values in Adopt Me!
✔ There has been a lot of movement on the value of the Space Whale, Capricorn, Chick, and Easter 2020 Egg. The biggest change is in regard to the Chick which has really dropped heavily in value over the past week (including its Neon & Mega versions).

Also, Adopt Me staff announced this week that pets from the Cracked/Pet/Royal eggs will be moved to a new Retired Egg. Brand new pets will then be moved into the Cracked/Pet/Royal eggs. We will be watching closely to see how this impacts pet values. We recommend stocking up on Cracked/Pet/Royal eggs/bucks so you can get the new pets as soon as they come out (July 21). These will be in high demand since players will want to make/trade for Neons and Megas.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of June 28 through July 4, 2022.
Older Updates (June 2022)

✔ Added a new pet trading video to the Videos page. The video is titled Trading a Space Whale.
✔ Issue report - we ran into an issue today that resulted in all dream pets getting messed up. Thank you to DharcSlayerOfficial for bringing this to our attention. We have determined the best way to resolve the problem is to clear everyone's dream pet. Users should choose new dream pets when ready. This can be done from the Home page while logged in. It will be interesting to see which pet is the most wanted nowadays. Sorry for the inconvenience.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of June 20 through June 26, 2022.
✔ Added the Chick and the Easter 2020 Egg since they can now be traded. Also added a new video titled "Chick Trading Explosion in Adopt Me" to the Videos page.
✔ Updated the values of dozens of Neon and Mega Neon pets.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of June 12 through June 18, 2022.
✔ Added the Zodiac Minion Egg and Zodiac Minion Chick.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of June 5 through June 11, 2022.
✔ Added in the rest of the Pride Event 2022 items, including all the pins, flags, etc. Most of them are very low value since they are either free or just 50 bucks. Some of the non-pin items may very slowly go up in value once they leave the game after the event.
✔ We have seen the value of many of the top pets rise over the past month, so we have boosted the values of many of the highest valued pets. This includes lots of Neons and Mega Neons. Also added the new Robux pet Goat.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of May 29 through June 4, 2022.
✔ Updated the values of a few pets. We made a large increase in the value of the Yeti (and Neon & Mega Neon versions), boosted the Dalmatian back up after it had been down for a month or two, and made a handful of other changes.
✔ New Feature: Users can now create their own Value Lists! We have heard from tons of users who have their own opinions about which pets are worth more or less than others. Now users can share their opinions by creating their own value lists. The most liked value lists will rise to the top of the heap. To save you time, we start you off with our current value list. You just need to drag and drop items to make changes. You can then share your Value List with other players via the provided link.

Watch our new video all about it on the Videos page.
Older Updates (May 2022)

✔ New Feature: Added user profile pages. These pages display a user's ratings, dream pet, and inventory/listings. Users can view their own profiles/inventories by clicking the profile icon in the top right while logged in. They can then share this page with others to let them easily view all the items in their inventory. Users can also view other users' profiles by clicking the profile icon on the Recent Offers and View Offers screens.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of May 20 through May 26, 2022.
✔ Completed upgrade of our web server. We hope this move will improve performance for all users.
✔ Added the two new pets: Ibex (980 bucks) and Winged Horse (800 Robux). The Winged Horse is high in demand which has boosted its value while the Ibex does not seem to have very high demand which has kept its value relatively low.

We are also in the process of upgrading our web server this week. We apologize for any downtime or issues you may experience.
✔ Added a new trading video to the Videos page. The video is called Trading 4 Mega Neon Pets - May 2022.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of May 10 through May 16, 2022.
✔ Added all of the Snow Weather pets and items.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of May 1 through May 7, 2022.
✔ Updated the values of over 200 pets and items based on recent trade activity. Players still love the pet Rock and most out of game pets and items continue to gain value.
✔ Added a new pet trading video to the Videos page. The video is called Trading a FR Evil Unicorn.
Older Updates (April 2022)

✔ Added the two new Accessory Chests and all the items they contain. The chests are relatively inexpensive, and it looks like they are planned to be in game permanently, so values of most items are low already. Also added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of April 23, 2022 through April 29, 2022.
✔ Lowered the values of most RGB items as their values continue to decline since they are becoming more and more common. Also lowered the value of some Easter 2022 items, though we do anticipate the value of those will very slowly go back up after the event ends.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of April 14, 2022 through April 20, 2022.
✔ Added a video titled Adopt Me Easter Egg Locations in Order - April 2022. Check out this video if you need help finding the locations of all 30 Easter eggs. Good luck!
✔ Updated the values of over 200 pets and other items based on recent trades. Values of Woodland pets have gone down a bit since their freshness has worn off. Many older items nudged up in value as expected.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of April 7, 2022 through April 13, 2022.
✔ Glitch alert! Due to a bug in a recent update, new users who signed up between April 10th and April 12th might need to sign up again freshly. If you registered within those dates and find that your listings and offers are not showing up in your My Listings and My Offers, then this is probably the case. Please sign up again. The issue has been resolved and we apologize for the inconvenience.
✔ Added a new feature to the website. You can now block another user from accepting your offers. You can only do this to a user who has already accepted one of your offers. First, find one of your offers that he/she accepted. Next, mark the trade as being failed due to their fault. Finally, on the My Offer History page, click the option to block that user from accepting any more of your trades.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of March 27, 2022 through April 2, 2022.
Older Updates (March 2022)

✔ Added in the new vehicles, new gift rotation items, Rock pet, and Mechapup pet.
✔ Updated the values of nearly 300 pets and other items based on recent trading activity. Also increased the value of the highest tier non-potion Neon and Mega pets.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of March 19, 2022 through March 25, 2022.
✔ Added new feature to the Recent Offers section. There is no a "Most Recent Offers on My Listings" button. This button will show you ONLY the new offers that have come on the items that you have currently listed in the My Listings section. For example, if you currently have 20 Pets in the My Listings section, this new button will show you the most recent offers on ONLY those 20 pets. All the pets and other items that you have not yet listed will be filtered out. We hope this feature saves you time and helps you be accept the best new offers quickly!
✔ Reduced the value of most RGB items. More and more of these are being won by players every day which has brought the values down. We expect this trend to slowly continue over time. We have also updated the values of dozens of other pets and items.
✔ The new Woodland Egg is now out (3/17/2022)! All of the Woodland Egg pets have been added. The next week or so will be a great chance to get a great trade on a Legendary Fallow Deer or Hawk if you are able to hatch one. Also added in all of the new camping items.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of March 11, 2022 through March 17, 2022.
✔ Updated the values of many mid-tier legendary Mega Neon pets. Thanks to our users for the feedback to make us aware that an adjustment was needed on some of these!
✔ Problem detected. On March 11 at 8:20EST, our website experienced an issue that caused most offers & listings to disappear. We are investigating the cause of the issue. We were able to restore most of the listings and offers, but some information regarding which ones were completed, canceled, etc. has been lost (at least temporarily but possibly permanently). Information regarding number of trades completed and failed by each user has not been impacted. Users may need to double check their offers and cancel any that are set as Active but shouldn't be. We apologize for the inconvenience and will continue to look into the cause.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of March 2, 2022 through March 8, 2022.
✔ Added the seven new vehicles from the Vehicle Dealership update.
✔ Added a new trading video to the Videos page. The video is called Trading a Neon Fly Ride Phoenix..
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of February 23, 2022 through March 1, 2022.
Older Updates (February 2022)

✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of February 15, 2022 through February 21, 2022. Also updated the value of over 150 pets and other items based on recent trades.
✔ Added the 2 new Robux taxi vehicles. Updated the value of over 200 pets and other items based on recent trades.
✔ Added Abyssinian Cat which is a new rare pet released under this month's Desert Weather Map. It costs 750 bucks (same as a Mythic Egg), but is only available while the Desert Weather Map is active.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of February 8, 2022 through February 14, 2022.
✔ We have been implementing a variety of improvements to optimize the speed and availability of the website. Our most recent step was to temporarily remove old offers and listings that were well over a month old. We find that offers that are over a week old rarely become Completed trades. We also find that listings over a month old rarely become Completed offers. Note that these old listings and offers have not been lost and can possibly be restored at some point. We will look into providing access to these older listings again in the future, but for now we want to focus on seeing how this impacts speed and availability of the website. Thank you for your patience.
✔ Added the new Lavender Dragon pet. This pet was awarded to players who had the DJ gamepass to compensate them since that gamepass recently broke due to a Roblox update. Also updated the values of nearly 200 pets and other items based on recent trades.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of February 2, 2022 through February 7, 2022.
✔ Added all of the new Lunar New Year 2022 pets and items. The new Lunar Tiger pets seem like their values will follow the same trend as the Ox/Lunar Ox/Metal Ox. The first couple days they will have decent values, but their values will go down and not come back up very high even several months after the event is over. The Dancing Dragon, on the other hand, will likely end up following a similar trend to the Halloween White Ghost Dragon and Frost Fury.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of January 26, 2022 through February 1, 2022. Also updated the value of over 150 pets and items based on recent activity. Note that value updates only impact new offers. Older offers still display with older values, so keep in mind that newer offers are often graded more accurately since values change over time.
Older Updates (January 2022)

✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of January 26, 2022 through February 1, 2022. Also updated the value of many pets based on recent activity.
✔ Added all of the new RGB items. These items can be obtained by opening RGB Reward Boxes that players earn through the new Task Board.
✔ Added a new trading video to the Videos page. The video is called Trading a Frost Dragon..
✔ All of the Desert Weather Map items have been added. These items are planned to stay in game for a couple days, then be gone, then return in a month or so. This is most similar to how items in the Hat Shop are handled. They are brand new now so their values are inflated. We expect their values to gradually go down in value as more of the items flood the market.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of January 13, 2022 through January 19, 2022. Also updated the value of many pets based on recent activity.
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of January 6, 2022 through January 12, 2022. Also optimized the loading speed of a few functions on the site & updated the value of many pets based on recent activity.
✔ Added a new trading video to the Videos page. The video is called Trading a Fly Ride Parrot..
✔ Added the two new vehicles (Zamboni and Snowmobile).
✔ Added a new Biggest Wins of the Week video to the Videos page. The video is for the week of December 30, 2021 through January 5, 2022.
Older Updates (December 2021)

✔ Added a new trading video to the Videos page. The video is called Trading a Fly Ride Crow..
✔ Added video showing the Biggest Wins of the week (December 23 through December 29, 2021). Also updated many values based on recent activity.
✔ Added a new Games section of the website to house our existing Know Your Values game. Also added a brand new game: Know Your Facts. This game quizzes players about the origin and rarity of pets and other items from Adopt Me. Good luck and enjoy!
✔ Added video showing the Biggest Wins of the week (December 15 through December 21, 2021). Also added additional Winter 2021 items and increased some of the mid-tier older pet values.
✔ Further increased the values of many of the highest value pets and items. This creates more separation between them and the rest of the pets and items to better reflect the most common values paid for them nowadays.
✔ Added feature to allow players to sort their listings by Best Offers First. Some items now have hundreds of offers on them, so this feature should help save some time so you see the best ones first. Thanks to an anonymous user for suggesting this feature.
✔ Updated the values of many pets & items and added in more of the new Advent Calendar items.
✔ Added video showing the Biggest Wins of the week (December 1 through December 7, 2021).
✔ Updated the values of about 100 pets and other items based on recent trade activity.
✔ Added the Winter 2021 toys that are currently available. Some of these toys may take several hours of work to be able to get (since the maximum gingerbread for each game seems to be 1200 and some toys are over 20,000 gingerbread), but we do not expect the values to be too high since toys rarely become high value items. We will try to keep an eye on them and update values as we see changes.

As for the Winter 2021 pets, we are seeing the normal trend of new pet values so far. First, values are very high. Then they slowly go down. Then once they are out of game, they slowly go back up again. We'll see if that trend continues here.
✔ Added the new Winter 2021 pets except for St. Bernard which will not be available until the 25th day of the Advent calendar. We will add the other Winter 2021 items soon.

Older Updates (November 2021)

✔ Updated the values of many pets and other items based on recent trades.
✔ New feature! Click "KYV Game" on the main menu to play a new game based on all the pets and items in Adopt Me. The game is called Know Your Values. To play, click on the item that is worth more (or click on Fair if both items are equal in value). Try to get as many correct in a row as you can. If you are logged in, your high score will be saved. There is also a High Score Leaderboard where you can see how your score compares to other AdoptMeTradingValues.com users. Can you reach the top of the leaderboard?
✔ Updated the values of many pets. Also fixed a bug with going to the Next Page of offers made on listings. Thanks to Flamingo1girl for pointing this out!
✔ Added "Recent Trades" section to the Pet & Item Information page. Just click to view a particular pet or item, and you can now see trades recently completed for that item.
✔ Added the Halloween toys and the rest of the Halloween 2021 permanently tradable items.
✔ Added another new feature to the new trading system. Click Recent Offers and then click "Best Offers Not Yet Accepted from the Past 24 Hours" to see all the best recent offers (sorted by the biggest win percentage-wise).

Also added additional functionality to further limit ridiculous trades. Trades like Dog for Shadow Dragon were already blocked, but this latest update should reduce the number of highly unbalanced offers in the future while still allowing users to be reasonably over.
✔ Added "Recent Offers" button to our new trading system. This new feature lets users see what offers have just been made most recently by other players. Refresh the Recent Offers every few minutes to see what new offers have been made so you can be the first to accept the offer and complete the trade right away since the other user is very likely to still be online.
✔ Users can now log into AdoptMeTradingValues.com to find trades with each other. When you list an item, you will see all offers made on that item by all users. When you make an offer for an item, all users who are listing that item will see your offer. You will also be able to see the Win/Fair/Lose suggestions. Click the help question mark in the top right to learn more about how this works and why you might want to sign up.
✔ Added ability to easily see how many users have set each pet as their dream pet so far. To see this dream pet info, check out the Pet & Item Information page.
✔ Removed Full Grown as an option when adding a Mega Neon pet. Thanks to anonymous user for the suggestion!
✔ Added the Halloween Pet Wear.
Older Updates (October 2021)

✔ Added all the Halloween 2021 event pets. The Halloween Pet Wear & Toys will be coming sometime after Roblox is back online.
✔ Updated many pet values, particularly the higher value pets.
✔ We have been working behind the scenes to prepare a new system where users can trade items online with other users. The goal of the system is to make it easier and quicker for Adopt Me players to get fair trades. We will post an announcement on the home page once it is ready.
✔ Added all the new Pet Wear.
Older Updates (September 2021)

✔ Added a new trading video to the Videos page. The video is called Trading a FR Frost Fury..
✔ Added a new trading video to the Videos page. The video is called Trading a FR Arctic Reindeer.
✔ Added the 2 new flying vehicles and Mooncakes.
✔ Added all the newest gifts from the latest gift rotation. All tradable items should now be on the site.
✔ All Pet Wear has now been added. Also added option for "Pet Wear Only" to the Value List page.
✔ Added another new trading video to the Videos page. The video is called Trading A Neon FR Unicorn.
✔ Added more Pet Wear. We will add the rest soon.
✔ Added new video to the Videos page. The video is called Making & Trading A Neon FR Turtle.
Older Updates (August 2021)

✔ Added more Pet Wear and adjusted the value of many out of game pets. The release of the Mythic Egg has finally started to settle down a bit, so values of Mythic Egg pets have gone down a bit as well.
✔ Adjusted many more pet values - particularly higher value pets. Of special note, we have been resisting placing the Bat Dragon above the Giraffe (we know many of you have been suggesting this for a while, thank you), but this is now clearly the case. Thanks to all who make suggestions on updating values. We don't always follow the advice of the suggestions, but we do always double check them based on current values that we see and try to provide an accurate ballpark estimate value.
✔ We will be adding the ability to let users log into the website and perform a variety of actions soon. We have already added functionality to show the number of users who have certain pets as their Dream Pets (though nearly all of them will show 0 for now until we let all users log in to select their dream pets). More coming soon...
✔ Adjusted many pet values. Phoenix and Goldhorn now seem to be trading for about the same values (August 21). Added many more Pet Wear items.
✔ Added Mythic Egg and all the Mythic Egg pets. They just came out today (August 19), and their values are temporarily high as expected. Although the Goldhorn and Phoenix are both legendary, we are seeing the Goldhorn trade for more than the Phoenix currently. We will keep our eyes on values, but they should all start to decline over the next few days.
✔ Started adding Pet Wear to the trading grid. There are over 230 Pet Wear items, so we will add them in batches over time. They are also now available on the Pet Value List page when selecting the Everything option.
✔ Added the Speedboat and three new Robux/Gamepass vehicles.
✔ Increased value of some of the oldest legendary pets when they are unpotioned. For example, a non-fly/non-ride Giraffe now shows up as being worth more than a Fly/Ride Giraffe.
Older Updates (July 2021)

✔ Added Search to the trading grid.
✔ All toys have now been added.
✔ Added Toys options to both the Value List page and the Item Information pages. We are almost done adding all toys to the website.
✔ Added new page with information about Tips to Get Rich.
✔ Added Neon and Mega Neon versions of pets to the individual pet information value pages found here.
✔ Updated some pet values & added more toys.
✔ Added Fossil Egg trading video to the Videos page.
✔ On the individual item information pages linked below, Neons and Mega-Neons are now included in the list of items that are close in value to the item being viewed.
✔ Added information pages for all pets and other items currently available: Pets | Vehicles | Food | Strollers
✔ Updated values of some pets and items & added more toys.
✔ Started adding Toys to the trading grid. There are over 240 of them, so we will add them in batches over time. They are also now available on the Pet Value List page when selecting the Everything option.
✔ Hmmm... some of the pets around here really want some attention. We hear they like to be tickled. Try clicking on a floating pet with your sound turned on.
✔ Added "W/F/L?" button to the trading grid.
✔ Updated the trading grid screen to make it clearer when a trade is a Win, Lose, or Fair. Green colors indicate a good trade (W/F) while red colors indicate a bad trade (L).
Older Updates (June 2021)

✔ The Stroller list now contains all strollers.
✔ Implemented HTTPS so the website should now show up as Secure within user web browsers.
✔ Updated the values of many pets (Dalmatian, Christmas Egg, Diamond Egg & its pets, and more).
✔ Added help icon to home page and new tutorial video to help demonstrate how to use the site for new users.
✔ Added pet icons to the Videos page. Users can now click on a pet to go directly to that pet's part of the video.
✔ Began adding Strollers to the trading grid. More will be added soon. Also added Strollers to the Everything option of the Pet Valu List page.
✔ Improved website loading speed by making multiple major changes. Sorry for any slowness experienced this week.
✔ Added new Videos section and our first video (Ocean Egg Pet Trading).
✔ Added Gifts to the trading grid. Gifts are also now included in the "Everything" option of the Pet Value List page.
✔ Added "Foods Only" option to the Pet Value List page. Also added "Everything" option so all items added so far can be viewed in comparison to each other.
✔ The Food list now contains all food items.
✔ Updated the values of several pets, including some neon values.
✔ Added additional items to the list of Foods in the trading grid.
✔ Reduced the file size of images so pages load faster over slow connections.
✔ Added new Legendary pet Cobra.
✔ Added all remaining potions and some other items to the list of available Foods in the trading grid.
✔ Added Vehicles to the Pet Value List page. You can still view the Pet Value List with just pets, but now you can also view the values of Vehicles by themselves or even view Pets & Vehicles together on one page. Use the drop-down menu at the top of that page to make your selection.
✔ Added names, rarity, and origin to items when you hover over them. For example, if you hover over a Turtle, you will see "Turtle - Legendary from Aussie Egg."
✔ Updated values of some golden pets, some other pets, and some vehicles. Thank you to those who have submitted feedback via our feedback form!
✔ Added Numbers to the Pet Value List page to make it easier to understand the tiers of values.

Ahhh! Flying Pet!

Last updated March 23, 2025 - View Update Log | Privacy Policy

Adopt Me Trading Values